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  2. Quimbee Bar Review

Does the Quimbee Bar Review+ money back guarantee apply to LLM students?

Quimbee Bar Review, Quimbee Bar Review+, money back guarantee, LLM students, LLMs, bar prep for LLM students, bar review for LLMs, bar review course, bar prep, bar prep course, bar course, bar exam, bar review

Yes, our money back guarantee applies to anyone who purchases Quimbee Bar Review+ and sits for the bar exam in a Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) jurisdiction or in California or Florida.

If you take the bar exam and don't pass on the first try after completing 75% of the Quimbee Bar Review+ course, just send us proof of failure. We'll then issue a full refund for your Quimbee Bar Review+ purchase. You'd still be able to retake the course for free.

Please note that there is no money back guarantee included with Quimbee Bar Review.

Questions? Just hit us up at support@quimbee.com. We're always happy to help. 😄