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  2. Quimbee Bar Review

Are the Quimbee bar review courses available on Quimbee’s mobile app?

Quimbee Bar Review, Quimbee Bar Review+, app availability, mobile app, Quimbee app, bar prep, bar prep course, bar course, bar exam, bar review, bar review course

Yes! Quimbee Bar Review and Quimbee Bar Review+ are accessible on the Quimbee mobile app.

First, purchase a bar review course using your desktop browser, and then you may access it on your mobile device. Tap the "Learn" menu on your device's home screen. You’ll now see tabs for Bar Review and MPRE (as shown below). These will take you to your tasks panel.


Every task may be completed through the mobile app except for the attorney-graded tasks included in Quimbee Bar Review+.

If you have any questions, please get in touch with our customer happiness team at support@quimbee.com.