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Quimbee MBE Review (now retired)
Quimbee Bar Review
Continuing Legal Education (CLE)
Refer-A-Friend Program
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Quimbee-BARBRI Transition
Plans & Pricing
subscription options and pricing
What are your plan options? How much does Quimbee cost?
Is there really a free trial?
When does my free trial expire?
Do you have any current coupons, discounts, sales, or promotions?
How many case briefs can I access during the free trial?
Can I access previously viewed case briefs without it counting towards my case brief limit during my free trial?
I'd like to change my plan. How do I upgrade or downgrade, or change how often I pay?
Why can't I play the case brief videos?
Does Quimbee provide study aids for non-U.S. law students?
Is HeinOnline included in any of your plans?
How do I add a user to my Quimbee account? My classmate and I want to share an account to save money.