1. Knowledge Base
  2. Quimbee for Groups
  3. Law School/Institutional/Organization Groups

What are the different plan manager roles for Quimbee for Groups?

Quimbee for Groups, group accounts, law school subscriptions, group plans, types of plan managers, plan manager, plan owner, institutional subscription, school account, group account, law school account, organization account, law school group

There are two different types of Quimbee law school group plan managers: plan owners and plan managers.

The plan owner may add up to four additional plan managers, and the owner may also remove plan managers at any time. Plan owners are also able to invite and remove students or other group plan users at any time.

Plan managers are authorized to add and remove student and other group plan users, but not other plan managers or the plan owner.

If you have any questions about the different plan manager roles, please reach out to us at support@quimbee.com anytime.