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How are the graded tasks scored? What does the graded essay score mean?

Quimbee Bar Review, Quimbee Bar Review+, bar review course, bar prep, graded tasks, graded essays, graded PT, graded essay, graded performance test, essay grading, essay score, essay scoring, bar exam, bar review

UBE jurisdictions and California

Our attorneys grade on three components (legal and factual content, organization and clarity, and application logic and reasoning), and they give a score of 1-6 on each component.

The final score is an average of these three component scores with the maximum composite score being six.

Generally, a composite score of 4 or above would put you in a good position to pass the bar exam, assuming that you do reasonably well on the MBE.


Our attorney graders use a score sheet tailored to each specific Florida essay question. The score sheet was written by a subject-matter expert who understands how the essays are graded by Florida bar examiners.

The score sheet lists each point your essay should have hit and the points available for each. Comparing your graded essay and personalized feedback with the essay score sheet will help you understand how your essay was scored. There are 100 total points available, but you only need to score around 35 or 40 to be in a good position to pass the Florida bar.

Please note that there are no model answers available for Florida essays, but the Florida State Bar website does provide sample answers. These sample answers scored well on previous bar exams, but they are not meant to be perfect or excellent answers and should only be used as a reference. We do not recommend studying from these answers as they frequently contain mistakes of law and other inaccuracies.

*Please note that graded tasks are only included in Quimbee Bar Review+.