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  2. Quimbee Bar Review

How do I share my bar review data with my ASP?

Quimbee Bar Review, Quimbee Bar Review+, share data, share my data, share progress, share course progress, opt into data sharing

Academic support professionals (ASPs) like bar success directors provide ongoing support to their students throughout the bar prep process like progress check-ins, additional feedback, and more.

Sharing your bar review course data will allow your law school's ASP (if they have one) to view your Quimbee Bar Review or Quimbee Bar Review+ course progress and support you on your bar prep journey.

If you didn't opt into data sharing when you began your bar review course, you may visit the Bar Review Data Sharing section on your Settings page and enable data sharing as shown below.


If you have any questions, please reach out to the customer happiness team at support@quimbee.com. We'd be happy to help further! 😃