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How much do Quimbee Bar Review and Quimbee Bar Review+ cost?

Quimbee Bar Review, Quimbee Bar Review+, cost, price, pricing, bar prep, bar prep course, bar course, bar exam, bar review, bar review course

Quimbee Bar Review is available for a one-time, nonrefundable fee of $1,199 ($1,099 for ABA Premium members).

Quimbee Bar Review+ is currently available for a one-time, nonrefundable $2,099 fee ($1,999 for ABA Premium members). This course includes additional features like NCBE-licensed MBE questions, a money-back guarantee, unlimited attorney-graded essays, one attorney-graded performance test, and a free print package that contains the coursebook, outlines, and practice PT packets.

ABA Premium members may receive the $100 discount by clicking the referral link on their ABA account dashboard before purchase. In addition, up to $300 in Quimbee Bar Review credits (previous study aid subscription payments) will automatically be applied toward either purchase during checkout.

If you have any further questions, please email us at support@quimbee.com.